Fed ID #: 74-2504613
Invitation to Join—General Members
The Art Center of Estes Park, a nonprofit corporation, is funded by annual memberships, donations, annual fundraisers, and member artist sales.
All contributions are tax deductible. Contributions provided by members and donors are an essential part of the Art Center operating budget to provide a gallery and visual art education programming for the community of Estes Park.
• 10% discount on artwork.
• 10% discount on adult art classes.
• agency newsletters.
• invitation to all featured artist exhibits.
• invitation to community education programs on various art topics.
Membership year: One year from payment date:
Individual $55
Family $75
Supporter $100
Contributor $250
Patron $500
Clubs/Organizations $ 50
Yes, please renew my existing membership.
Yes, I want to be a new member!
In support of the Art Center gallery operation and promote educational opportunities in the visual arts.
Added Donation Options
- High School Senior Scholarship Award:
-Featured Artist Reception Sponsorship - $300:
- Volunteer Opportunities:
If you’d prefer to join and pay with check or in person at the Gallery, please download this application.
General Membership Application

Invitation to Join—Artist Members
The gallery features juried original art by local and regional artists in a broad range of media. Gallery sale commissions help provide funds for educational programs, scholarship, and art classes. Interested in joining us?
Here are just some of the advantages of becoming a participating artist member:
· Joining a community of artists.
· Featured artist on rotation basis.
· Work displayed in Art Center art show.
· Opportunity to attend or conduct workshops sponsored by the Art Center.
· Early announcement of special activities.
· Other opportunities to showcase artwork: Art Walk displays & Art Market.
· Network with other artists.
· Participate in featured artist receptions.
· Promote your artwork on the Art Center website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Participating Artist Membership
· An Artist wishing to become a member of the Art Center of Estes Park
may join as a Participating Artist.
· Artists must be juried before membership is accepted.
· Artists, if accepted, pay an annual fee of $175.00.
· Artists will also select one of the membership options listed below:
1. Staff the Art Center a minimum of 12 full days or 24 half days a year and serve on one committee.
2. Staff the Art Center twenty full days with no committee obligations
3. Pay a fee of $650 annually in lieu of staffing 12 days with no committee obligation.
4. Pay a fee of $325 annually and staff the gallery 6 days or 42 hours per year between May 15 and November 1 with no committee obligation.
· The Art Center will charge a 40% commission fee on all art sold.
· Only original works of art will be accepted for jury.
· All 2-D artwork must be framed and appropriately backed. Sawtooth
hangers are discouraged. Hanging wire must be attached securely. Pieces in
Duraplaq format must have hanging wire attached.
· Watercolors must be under glass or Plexiglas or archival preservation
· Each additional medium requires an additional 3-5 pieces.
· Artwork may be submitted by mail or in person.
· Notification of acceptance or rejection of art will be sent within ten working
days after jury of art.
Contact Gallery Manager Victoria Endsley, (970) 586-5882 or Artist Liaison Susan Anderson, 970-577-9608